viernes, 22 de abril de 2011

Brutal represion de Israel a marcha pacifica en Bil'in-Israeli troops attack violently protest in Bil'in

En la marcha pacifica en la ciudad de Bil'in, distrito de Ramalah, marcha que se viene realizando desde hace 6 anios en Resistencia Popular contra la ocupacion ilegal, la colonizacion, la confiscacion de tierras y el aparthaid contra el pueblo palestino, hoy 22 de abril, el ejercito de Israel actuo de manera brutal y repugnante.
Como todos los viernes los manifestantes se dirigieron marchando pacificamente, con banderas y entonando coros, hacia la alambrada que divide y confisca sus tierras agricolas de manera forzosa por la ocupacion israli.
Los soldados arrojaron una cantidad apabullante gases lacrimogenos provocando que varias personas sufrieran intoxicacion y debieran ser atendidas. Tambien dispararon balas de goma, bombas de estruendo y residuos cloacales desde un camion con tanqueta y bomba a presion.
Los disparos eran continuos. 15 manifestantes resultaron heridos, tres de ellos activistas internacionales y uno de ellos, periodista.
Varios manifestantes lograron cruzar la alambrada pero el ejercito de Israel los forzo con sus armas a replegarse hasta la ciudad. La marcha volvio a avanzar hacia el muro y luego de mas de una hora se disperso producto de la insoportable cantidad de gases y los disparos continuos de balas de goma y de mierda desde el camion bomba.
La marcha fue multitudinaria, gran cantidad de palestinos acompaniados por voluntarios internacionales de diferentes paises del mundo y de Israel.En esta oportunidad fue ademas corolario de la sexta conferencia de resistencia popular llevada a cabo en Bil'in durante tres dias, desde el pasado miercoles.

On Friday 22 April, 15 civilians injured, four arrested as Israeli troops attacked the weekly anti-wall protests in the villages of Bil’in.
In Bil’in, 15 protesters were injured when troops attacked the weekly march. Today the protest in Bil’in ended the three day conference on popular struggle in Palestine. On Wednesday the village of Bil’in started its Sixth International Conference on the Palestinian Popular Struggle. This year the conference was dedicated to the Italian activist Vittorio Arrigoni.
The conference was aimed at providing opportunities to build and strengthen ties between Palestinian, Israeli and international activists working against Israeli “apartheid” as organizers called it.
Today international and Israeli activists joined the villagers and marched towards the wall built on farmers lands after the midday prayers. Soldiers stopped protesters before the wall and fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at them to force them back. The army also used sewage water, throwing from a truk against the demonstrators. People continued forward and reached to the gate of the wall as they do every Friday since 2005.
Troops fired tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets at them, injuring 15 people among them a journalist and three international supporters. Later soldiers forced people back into the village and stormed it firing tear gas at people's homes; many were treated for the effects of tear gas inhalation.
In 2009 the Israeli High Court of Justice ruled in favor of Bil’in residents and ordered the military to reroute the wall giving back the village half of the land originally taken by the army to build the wall. Till today the military has not adhered to the court order.

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