viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Colonos atacan vehículos y residenes palestinos-Settlers attack Palestinian vehicles and residents

Un grupo de colonos exremistas estuvo arrojando piedras a varios vehículos palestinos que se desplazaban por rutas al norte de Cisjordania cerca de Jenín, lastimando a varios residentes y dañando vehículos.
Los residentes trataron de evadir a los colonos y cambiaron su curso para evitar confrontaciones.
Los civiles heridos fueron trasladados y atendido en el Hospial Khalil Suleiman donde recibieron tratamiento médico correspondiente.
Admás de este hecho, una mujer palestina fue hospitalizada en Bir Zeit, cerca de Jalazoun en los alrededores de Ramallah, tras haber sido agredida por colonos.

A group of extremist settlers hurled stones on Thursday at several Palestinian vehicles on a road near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, causing among a number of resident, and damage to the vehicles.
The residents tried to avoid the settlers and change their way in an attempt to avoid confrontations with the armed settlers.
Several civilians were injured and were moved to Khalil Suleiman Hospital where they received medical treatment.
Furthermore, a Palestinian woman was hospitalized after settlers hurled stones at her car while driving on the Bir Zeit road near Jalazoun camp in the Ramallah district.

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