martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Disparan contra manifestantes que eliminan alambrada en Gaza-Fired on protesters removing razor wire in Gaza buffer zone

Este martes, un grupo de manifestantes se reunió en la zona de amortiguación cerrada por Israel, denominada "buffer zone", cerca del pueblo de Beit Hanoun, en el noreste de la Franja de Gaza. Muchos de los residentes de Beit Hanoun han perdido extensiones de sus tierras a causa de esta zona bloqueada llamada "buffer zone" y determinada por Israel.
Con 300 metros de espesor, la franja de acceso prohibo, reúne el 20 % de la tierra cultivable de Gaza. Los manifestantes cortaron y removieron 10 metros de alambre, pero luego los soldados abrieron fuego directo sobre la multitud.
Varias de las personas presentes resultaron heridas.

On Tuesday, protesters gathered deep within the Israeli established ‘buffer zone’ near the village of Beit Hanoun, on the north east edge of the Gaza Strip. Many residents of Beit Hanoun have lost land to the buffer zone, a 300 meter no-go zone which constitutes 20% of the most arable land in Gaza. Demonstrators began cutting the razor wire which stretches through middle of the buffer zone, successfully removing 10 meters of wire before soldiers began firing rounds of live ammunition over the crowd. No casualties were reported as a result of the shooting, but several injuries were sustained during the removal of the fence.

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