martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

Misiles impactan en Israel y Jordania-Rockets hit Israel and Jordan

Cinco fueron los misiles que impactaron en las ciudades israelíes de Eilat y Aqaba en Jordania durante la mañana de ayer lunes.
Los misiles venían desde la dirección de la Península del Sinai.
En Aqaba hay heridos de gravedad y una persona fallecida.
En Eilat, no se reportan víctmas.

Five rockets hit the southern Israeli port of Eilat and its neighboring Jordanian city of Aqaba ysterday.
The rockets were launched from the Egyptian Sinai eastward.
Several persons in the Jordan city of Aqaba were wounded, one critically. The critically injured man succumbed to his wounds and passed away later in the day.
No injuries were reported in Eilat.

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